Why User Acceptance Testing Will Make or Break Your Flow (secret techniques)

Understanding UAT will save your business a lot of headaches. We drill down into how to do UAT like a billion dollar business, and in addition share some epic strategies you can implement today within your company

Why User Acceptance Testing Will Make or Break Your Flow


Do you know about User Acceptance Testing, it’s not an alien(UAT)?. UAT isn’t as wide spread as you’d think it would be, unlike other testings. This article looks into UAT's basis and why your company should adopt UAT and think about it.


What Is User Acceptance Testing?

UAT (user acceptance tests) is also called beta testing or end-user testing. It is the final phase of the Software testing process before the products go live. After the system, functional and regression testing by testing teams acceptance tests will begin. During UAT, the client and actual user test the software to authenticate the product performance with the real-time environment. It’s the time when developers are sweating bullets ;)


Types of Acceptance Testing


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Following are the various types of acceptance testing.


  1. Alpha & Beta Testing
  2. Contract Acceptance Testing (CAT)
  3. Operational Acceptance Testing (OAT) 
  4. Compliance/Regulation Acceptance Testing (RAT)
  5. Black Box Testing


Alpha & Beta testing 

Alpha Testing is an acceptance testing carried out internally with employees or dedicated testers during software development. Alpha testings are to find the possible bugs and errors on the product before reaching the end-user.


Beta testing is a common UAT. The actual software users or clients perform testing on the production environment. The purpose of testing is to identify the security, reliability, and robustness of the application i.e make it bug free


Contract Acceptance Testing 

Software or applications tested against specific acceptance criteria and measures. The product agile team determines these criteria and specifications. I.e fancy stuff


Operational Acceptance Testing (OAT) 

OAT is also known as operational readiness testing or production acceptance testing. ORT includes installation, code analysis, backup & restore, load & performance, user training, and more.


Compliance/Regulation Acceptance Testing (RAT)

On acceptance testing, this regulation test is the crucial part. Today applications are released worldwide. Regulation acceptance testing is to identify where the product is not violating any countries' rules and legal regulations. Last think you want is GDPR or CPPA issues knocking on your door, startup or not.


Black Box Testing

Black Box Testing is also known as behavioral testing. Testing is done based on product specifications and requirements. Black Box Testing mainly focused on the input and output of the application. This kind of testing doesn't involve any coding knowledge and code implementation on the software/ application.


When Should You Start Your UAT?

UAT is essential for any application development. You can begin your acceptance testing once the significant feature developments are complete. UAT is the final step before the application goes live for the end-user or before product delivery. UAT begins after completing all the tests like system testing, functional testing, and much more. Here is some pre-requirement every QA and project management team members should know before starting your beta or end-user testing. 



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  • Business requirements should be present.
  • Make sure the testing team has completed the system testing, Unit testing, and integration testing. 
  • Ensure that there are no show-stoppers, high, and medium defects on the application. 
  • Fix all the errors reported in the test phase.
  • Only cosmetic bugs are tourable at time UAT.
  • The traceability matrix document has to be complete.
  • As a product manager, assure the environment is ready for acceptance testing. 
  • Convey system testing team that the framework is prepared to carry out the beta testing.


While starting your acceptance testing, the above precondition has to pass.


Getting Started With UAT Workflow: With Easy Steps

The acceptance testing process is a complicated one, as it involves many individuals from all the departments right from UAT planning, testing, and Analysis. We guide you through the five steps for your UAT process.


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Planning Your UAT


Without proper planning, you can't perform potential user testing more successfully. The planning process should comprise the following steps.

  • First, you need clarity on the UAT schedule time and individuals involved in the planning process (Project managers, tester, QA Analyst, developers, etc.)
  • Make sure that you have all the required data to begin your user testing plan.
  • Draft an idea of how your testing group resembles
  • The person from management, testing, development, and product teams must be aware of their UAT process's responsibilities.
  •  Plan the communication and issue fixing strategies.
  • Before moving to test execution, we recommend making a User Acceptance Testing checklist, which helps keep your endeavors and tasks set up in place.



In this testing phase, the software is tested by the potential or end-users regardless of any test scenarios. If you are developing a global product, you need to plan potential testers in a different country.


As testing execution focuses on various geographic markets, it isn't easy to meet in person to gather test results. Implementation is done one-on-one with free video calling apps like Skype, FaceTime, Google Meet, and more.


If the UAT after development, you may receive some new insights from beta testers you haven't thought about.


Documentation & Analysis

Many of us think both the evaluation and reporting are the same, but both are different in reality. In the evaluation stage, you will be collecting, aggregate, and analyzing the information from the end-user testers.


In contrast, the reporting or documentation objective is to gather the test result and make an analysis. Learn from user test results. UAT workflow will assist you in improving your application for real-world conditions. At this phase, you will be able to build a good relationship with the UTA tester. UAT testers are a valuable resource for software insights and feedback. 


UAT isn't a test phase. It's a process cycle. In a development workflow, user acceptance tests became an essential part of each product phase.


Know-How to Handle UAT Feedback?

After beta testing, users provide their feedback (User story). User stories might have both positive and negative comments about the product. You can also get some new application functionality requests and defects. As a product manager, you have to investigate solutions for the negative and bugs encountered during end-user testing.


New Functionalities: 

Users may request some new features on the product as a software development team communicates with the user and analyzes whether the functionality has to be added in the current version of the application or pass the new functionalities on the next version update. Plan how to implement the new feature and tweak your application function based on the user suggestions. 



Users could report any bugs after testing the application. These are high priority issues that have to be fixed as earliest as possible and figure out how the error missed out on the quality assurance test.


Call for Changes: 

Unlike bugs or errors, changes don't require an immediate fix on the application. There will be some minor changes in application behavior. You can even negotiate with the client and can implement changes in the next sprint.


Leverage You User Acceptance Tests With Tools 


There are different UAT software with benchmarks available today. Choose the right UAT software will reduce 50% of your efforts and time. As we discussed earlier, UAT tests is not a single time process; it is a continuous process or cycle. Let's dive more in-depth with the help of a tool on how you can succeed in UAT tests. 


UAT automation software kit requires some minimal configurations. Here are some tools that are useful for UAT automation you can adopt for your project today




In this article, we have gone through UAT and its importance on the development cycle. In development, the software product went through various testings to ensure application functionalities. UAT helps you understand how the application works for a real-time user. From this testing feedback, you will understand how the application is useful for the users. You can easily measure the application with the user scenarios. After the testing, you can modify and add additional new functionalities or perform all the bug fixes that are beta testing. You can launch your better product with end-user testing.