11 best ways to collect customer feedback in 2021

Finding ways to improve customer feedback will drastically improve your bottom line, improve distribution and uplift all metrics. Here are top 10 best ways to collect feedback from customers in 2021

 Customer feedback is essential, and the companies that we're listening to customer inputs will grow faster. When you think about collecting customer feedback, you will be overwhelmed with customer information volume; there are many ways to collect client feedback for your website, product, or application.  


Feedback helps to improve your user satisfaction, which results in increased revenue and reduces your marketing costs. Feedback is a powerful guide that provides insight into the product or service we provide for our customers. In this article, let's look into the proactive ways of gathering user feedback.


What is Customer Feedback?


Potential user feedback is the information provided by the user of the website or application. The data shows how the user benefits from the product and whether the product or service we provide met their necessities. Feedback from the application or website users is the best way to measure quality. There is no better reliable resource to measure the quality of our website or app. 

Why is Customer Feedback Important?

  1. Product Improvement: Feedback provides attention to which parts of your product needs improvements. We can easily understand what suits the users and get to know their favorite features on the application and the inconvenience they face. It helps the development team to put their efforts into the product improvements to meet the user desires. 
  2. Customer involvement:  As a company, when you listen to the user’s voice. It will make the customer feel that users are significant for the company. Feedback will show the customers are genuinely valued. Feedback will create a bond between your customer and the brands, which will lead to increased future sales.
  3. Great feedback produces individual suggestions - Word of mouth/ referrals is an effective method to increase your inbound leads and free marketing for your brands/ products. The study states that 8 in 10 people are influenced by personal recommendation or your product’s positive feedback.
  4. Keep customers coming back - Feedbacks convince the user to return to back for more. Positive feedback creates customer happiness and increases repeated users for the website.
  5.  Acquire new customers - Feedback creates loyalty among the users, helping to acquire new users. Research says that 90% of users read the online review before using the business website/apps.  

Reasons Why You Should Go for a Customer Feedback Software

Feedback tools help create and distribute the feedback surveys or feedback forms to many user bases. Feedback tools gather real-time user feedback through various channels like online surveys, email surveys, SMS, offline surveys, kiosks, and more. A robust feedback software enables you to create customized, online, and offline feedback and multilingual surveys.  

Today social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) have become the most incredible place to gather feedback. The automated feedback systems make information collections and data analysis simple and more effortless. Tools allow you to collect feedback data based on demographics. It will be helpful to analyze user preference, buyer habits, and many more. Based on the analysis, you can optimize the sales and marketing strategies for your business. Many feedback tools are designed to discover unhappy customers or users based on prior scores and other related data.  

Based on the user information, you can resolve the User compliments or difficulties they face on the application, which will prevent the uninstalling and negative feedback of your applications. User feedback software is also used for client outreach apart from gathering user data. Let's look into the top 10  feedback tools that you can adapt to your business today.

  1. BugReporting

Bugreporting UI

BugReporting allows users to record full length video feedback for QA, Product managers and developers to access. In addition, it captures all meta data of the user to replicate any bugs or any issues the user faces. Users can share snippets with annotations if they’d like. The best part is the entire process is automated so you get served the feedback directly in your favourite work tool if you’d like.

When the feedback is addressed by your team, the product autonotifies your customer leading to increases in customer reactivation and retention.

The pricing is extremely affordable with a14 day trial plan. The base model starts at $29 and the pro at just $39 with enterprise level features like unlimited projects, unlimited integrations, AI-text transcriptions for recordings, 80 recordings a month, unlimited page visits and more

  1. Qualaroo

Source: https://help.qualaroo.com/hc/en-us/articles/201429747-Creating-a-Nudge

Qualaroo Nudges, you can start gathering visitor feedback while they use your websites and app. Product Feedback on the software shows how much the user is satisfied with product functionality. Similarly, you can measure the user interface experience with UX feedback. 

Interactively gather user experience with Qualaroo. It allows add ons like IBM Watson, White Label. Capture feedback on your mobile apps with Qualaroo's iOS & Android SDK. The software comes in essential and premium package plans. The actual plans start from $25/ month, and the premium plan starts from $50 /month. The software comes with 15 days of free trial for any plan.

  1. Pulse insights

Pulse insight is similar to Qualaroo and Survicate tools. It is a micro survey portal to get visitor's feedback from the websites and app. The survey provides high and actionable insight and assists in faster learning from the user data. 

Pulse Insights does not offer a free trial, and the pricing starts at $4000/ per month.

  1. HubSpot

(CES Survey Example) Source:https://blog.hubspot.com/service/customer-satisfaction-survey

HubSpot's out-of-the-box feedback tool supports you in understanding the customer better with the qualitative and quantitative data and providing the chance to make the user happier on the spot. You can easily create the survey and distribute it on various channels like email and your websites. 

Project managers can perform three kinds of surveys with this tool: Customer satisfaction surveys, Customer support surveys, and Customer loyalty surveys. From your survey results, you can improve your product or service and provide a better user experience.

Understand customer loyalty with the net promoter score (NPS), and the score shows how much the user recommends your organization or application with other people. Customer Effort Score (CES) surveys show how much users are satisfied with your product or application support. Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) shows how much the user is delighted with your product or service. This CSAT is used to understand client experience levels. 

The entire team can view the survey dashboard, and everyone on the team can notice the changes in client satisfaction. HubSpot tools come with three plans: starter, professional, and an enterprise plan. The pricing starts from 50$ per month to 1200$ per month (enterprise package).

  1. Usersnap
Source: https://usersnap.com/cx

Usersnap is an easy to use feedback system. The tool provides NPS Survey options users can easily prove their satisfaction levels with the emojis. This application allows the customer to take screenshots and explain with drawings in the comments. It comes with 20+ integration options and also has feedback follow-ups. Client feedback buttons are fully customizable based on the branding and website designs. You can integrate Usersnap with more than 1000+ tools, including Asana, HubSpot, Slack, Zapier, Zendesk, Jira Software, Jira Service Desk, Intercom, etc. The feedback system comes with 15 days of a free trial. Sign-up for your free trial today.

  1. GetSatisfaction

GetSatisfactionis a community platform where you can gather feedback and share it with other users or customers. Users benefited from similar and unlimited questions on the application (FAQ). It is the best tool for product launch tests and feedback. Customers can vote for the product ideas they like more. Easily integrated with your customer service, social media, CRM, and widgets can be placed anywhere on your website.

  1. Survicate
(Sample CSAR Survey template )
Source: https://survicate.com/surveys/templates/csat-survey/

Survicate is a customized feedback platform, and it is suitable for both startups and large businesses. The software feature includes email and link survey, website survey, email-enabled survey, mobile app survey, web app survey, feedback button, Feedback hub, and intercom messenger survey. 

CSAT Survey lets you ask the audience to rate your specific features with 5 points scale from very unsatisfied to very satisfied. Similarly, an interactive NPS survey is measured 0-10 scale (0 - not likely to 10 - very likely) with a simple question. To complete a single question on the survey takes < 1 minute to complete.

The feedback campaign is more uncomplicated and easy to analyze.  The tool has free, customized, essential, professional, and ultimate plans. The pricing starts from $49/ month to 249$/ month.  

  1. UserEcho

UserEcho is a complete customer solution support. It provides a user feedback widget, help desk, live chats, and a feedback forum and knowledge base solution to share their feedback.  UserEcho analytics report includes support agent activity, satisfied customers report, average response time, support agent activity report, and more. You can incorporate your everyday applications like Discord and Zapier with UserEcho. 

  1. SurveyMonkey

The most popular online survey application is SurveyMonkey. Millions of organizations used SurveyMonkey worldwide. It has a wide range of features like user controls, data sharing, automated reports, and more. The product has more than 100 applications and plugin support. The software plan starts at 25$ per month to 75$ (per user). SurveyMonkey offers free survey templates.

  1. Emojics

In Emojics, customers can share their feedback with the react buttons, feedback emojis, and email widgets. You customized feedback widgets with your content, Call to action (CAT), and emojis. The software provides 300+ emoji. You can easily capture, analyze, and improve your product from user data. You can collect the user email address in the custom widget, which helps acquire a new subscriber. 

  1. UserReport

UserReport is also a feedback community tool. Software is easy to use. You can easily integrate google analytics with the software. Feedback Forum is customized and supports more than 60 languages.

Start User Feedback!

If you want to stay ahead of the competition, you should listen to the customer’s voice, whether positive or negative. Make more responsible business decisions with user feedback.  Many top companies understand the value of customer feedback on their business, and they continuously listen to the customer’s voice. Include the feedback element in your marketing strategy. User ratings are essential to improve your product and user satisfaction. The client’s voice is precious for your business, so listen regularly! Start collecting potential customer feedback today with automated tools.

Vaibhav Namburi

I'm the Founder of BugReporting. I've helped build multiple multi-million dollar companies and I love approaching Start Ups through product-lead growth